WhatsApp Privacy 101

3 min readMay 4, 2020
My WhatsApp Profile
My WhatsApp Profile

Running on WhatsApp default settings is akin to leaving your back door unlocked. An illusion of safety that leaves you susceptible to attack. Chats encryption palpably protects you from hackers to the nth degree, sadly those in close proximity need no hacking skills. Your chats can be easily exported or with access to the verification code sent during installation one can download your entire chat history. But worry not, in today’s guide you seize control of your account.

For ironclad security, we’ll be enabling the inbuilt fingerprint lock option for the app and setting up the two-step verification code. The fingerprint lock gives you absolute admin rights as PIN and Password alternatives are not offered. This ensures you are the only one who can access the chats even with the phone unlocked. The two-step verification sets a 6 digit PIN required each time your phone number is registered on the platform. In addition to the verification code sent during account setup, the six digit PIN must be input before chats are downloaded and restored.

Both settings fall under WhatsApp Account settings as highlighted above 👆🏾. Let’s get started.

Fingerprint lock

Fingerprint lock settings
Fingerprint lock settings

To enable the inbuilt fingerprint lock for the app, go to;

  1. WhatsApp Account settings.
  2. Tap on Privacy settings.
  3. Scroll to the bottom and enable the fingerprint lock.
  4. You will be prompted to confirm your fingerprint, simply put your finger on the fingerprint scanner.
  5. Set your desired duration for the app to remain unlocked when idle. I recommend immediately or after 1 minute.

Lock the screen and launch the app to test.

Two-step verification

Two step verification
Two-step verification

To enable the two-step verification code, go to;

  1. WhatsApp Account settings.
  2. Tap on Two-step verification.
  3. Enable the option.
  4. Input your desired 6 digit PIN.
  5. Confirm the 6 digit PIN set.
  6. Input your recovery email address which will be used to unlock the account should you forget the PIN.
  7. Confirm your email address.

To help you remember the PIN, WhatsApp will be asking for it sporadically as you use the app.

You are good to go. Don’t you feel safer now 🙂?

